Friday, October 27, 2006

Bohemian Rhapsody like you've never heard it before

Thursday, October 19, 2006

A future role for Samuel L. Jackson: The Dennis Green Story

I can see it now; if ever some enterprising producer were to make a film about the life of Dennis Green, Samuel L. Jackson would have to play Green. Nobody else is as much of a badass. Before you watch this video, make sure the kids are out of the room so they don’t learn any new words. If you’re at work, turn the sound down!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Madonna doesn't adopt a child...or does she?

Why would someone lie about adopting or not adopting a child? Angelina Jolie touts it openly.

Oh well, isn't it great to be famous? The Killers' concert rider has just been posted on the Smoking Gun. They require certain kinds of booze for certain days of the week.

Mr. T is back! Yes, that's right! And how else could Mr. T stage a comeback but with a reality show? Can you guess the name? It's I Pity The Fool, natch. Mr. T will be giving advice. Cool!

Family Guy A-Team:

B.A.'s Burger!